Introduction :
Thailand is quickly positioning itself as a leading destination for investment in the smart electronics sector. With significant government support from the Board of Investment (BOI), and Eastern Economic Corridor, Thailand offers a range of incentives tailored to high-tech industries, especially smart electronics manufacturing and development. Thailand’s appeal for a destination for such businesses comes from the advanced infrastructure, attractive tax benefits, and streamlined business processes to support high-growth sectors.
With a skilled workforce, competitive production costs, and strategic location within Southeast Asia, smart electronics in Thailand presents a smart investment opportunity for investors and companies.
Points clés
- Thailand 4.0 initiative prioritizes smart electronics in Thailand as a key growth sector, focusing on IoT devices, automotive electronics, and smart manufacturing.
- The Board of Investment (BOI) offers significant tax incentives, including up to 8-10 years of corporate income tax exemptions for qualifying smart electronics projects.
- BOI-promoted companies can have 100% foreign ownership and face no employee quotas for hiring foreign workers, unlike standard Thai companies.
- The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) provides additional benefits including extra tax incentives up to 13 years and streamlined regulations for smart electronics companies.
- Smart electronics sector companies must meet specific criteria to qualify for BOI incentives, such as minimum R&D spending of 0.5% of total sales or investing in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) lines.
Smart Electronics and the Thailand 4.0 Policy
Thailand has been working hard to achieve economic modernization through its Thailand 4.0 initiative, and moving the economy towards a more value-based economy. Unlike previous economic plans that relied heavily on labor-intensive industries, Thailand 4.0 places a strong emphasis on technological innovation, creativity, and sustainable growth, with the goal of building a “smart” economy driven by digitalization and high-tech advancements.
The main focus of Thailand 4.0 are the “S-Curve” industries that have been identified as key drivers for future growth. These include next-generation automotive, robotics, aviation, biofuels, and, importantly, smart electronics.
By focusing on these high-potential industries, Thailand seeks to promote a more competitive economy. Smart electronics in Thailand, are set to play a key role within this framework, as it supports other S-Curve sectors, such as robotics and automation.
The Thai government, through the Board of Investment (BOI) and the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is creating an attractive environment to encourage both domestic and international companies to make investments in these sectors.
Read Also : Thailand’s S-Curve Industries: Driving Economic Growth & Innovation
Smart Electronics Sector Examples in Thailand
Under the Thailand 4.0 and S-Curve initiatives, smart electronics refers to advanced electronic devices and systems that integrate smart technology, automation, and connectivity.
Here are some smart electronics sector examples:
Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
IoT devices include everything from smart home appliances like connected refrigerators and thermostats to industrial IoT devices that help factories monitor and control production processes remotely. IoT devices are a key component to building smart cities and industries, which are priorities under Thailand 4.0.
Wearable Technology
Smartwatches, fitness trackers, and medical monitoring devices fall into this category. These devices often use sensors to monitor health metrics in real-time. These devices are used in support of the healthcare sector, which is another target industry in the S-Curve strategy.
Automotive Electronics
Next-generation automotive electronics include smart dashboards, advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), and electric vehicle (EV) components. These electronics again align with Thailand’s focus on becoming a hub for next-generation automotive manufacturing.
Read Also : Mesures d'incitation du BOI pour les véhicules électriques à batterie
Smart Manufacturing and Robotics
Embedded electronics in robots, automated machines, and smart factory equipment enable production lines to operate with greater precision and minimal human intervention. Robotics is one of the core S-Curve industries, and smart electronics are essential to developing and optimizing this sector.
Renewable Energy and Smart Grids
Energy-efficient smart electronics, such as solar inverters, smart meters, and energy storage systems, help manage and optimize energy consumption. These systems are part of Thailand’s shift toward a more sustainable energy infrastructure and align with Thailand 4.0’s emphasis on sustainability.
Read Also : BOI Incentives for Renewable Energy in Thailand – Here’s What You Need to Know for 2025
Advanced medical devices, like diagnostic imaging equipment, portable ultrasound machines, and health-monitoring systems, are part of Thailand’s push to continue the development of its medical sector. These devices integrate smart electronics to deliver more accurate diagnostics and real-time health monitoring.
Healthcare Electronics
Advanced medical devices, like diagnostic imaging equipment, portable ultrasound machines, and health-monitoring systems, are part of Thailand’s push to continue the development of its medical sector. These devices integrate smart electronics to deliver more accurate diagnostics and real-time health monitoring.
Telecommunications and 5G Equipment
Thailand is rolling out 5G infrastructure to support its smart electronics and IoT initiatives. Smart electronics such as 5G-enabled modems, routers, and network equipment facilitate faster, more reliable connectivity, essential for smart city applications and automated industries.

Government Support and BOI Incentives
The Thai government has placed a heavy emphasis on creating an environment that promotes the growth of high-tech industries like smart electronics. The Board of Investment (BOI) in Thailand plays a central role in promoting investment in strategic sectors like smart electronics. The BOI offers a variety of incentives to attract both foreign and domestic investors to establish and expand operations in Thailand.
Obtaining a promotion from the BOI presents many advantages that make it an attractive choice for smart electronics sector companies seeking to enter the Thai market. These benefits include both tax incentives and general business incentives.
Incitations non fiscales du BOI
The BOI certification offers several unique benefits that are available to other business structures that can significantly improve owning and running a business in Thailand. Such benefits include:
Propriété étrangère à 100 %
Contrairement aux sociétés anonymes thaïlandaises ordinaires, qui sont limitées à 49 % de propriété étrangère en vertu de la loi sur le commerce extérieur, les sociétés promues par le BOI peuvent bénéficier d'une propriété étrangère totale, sans aucune restriction.
Certificat d'entreprise étrangère
Les entreprises promues par le BOI reçoivent un certificat d'activité étrangère, les exemptant de plus de 50 catégories d'activités restreintes en vertu de la loi sur les activités étrangères. Cela leur permet d'exercer un plus large éventail d'activités commerciales en Thaïlande.
Pas de quotas pour les employés
Unlike other structures, BOI-promoted companies face no quotas when hiring foreign skilled employees. For example, sociétés par actions simplifiées typically need a 4:1 ratio of Thai to foreign employees, but this requirement doesn’t apply to BOI-promoted businesses. Additionally, the process of obtaining visas for foreign employees is significantly more straightforward with BOI approval.
Simplification des procédures d'obtention de permis de travail et de visas pour les expatriés
Les employés étrangers peuvent demander et obtenir leur visa et leur permis de travail au One Stop Service Center de Bangkok. Cela permet d'accélérer considérablement l'ensemble du processus puisque les demandeurs peuvent obtenir leur permis de travail et leur visa en quelques heures.
Eligible Business Activities Under the BOI for Smart Electronics Sector Companies
The following are smart electronics sector examples of activities eligible for a BOI promotion:
Manufacture of Smart Electronics
Manufactured products must integrate sensors and have connectivity features, such as the ability to connect with other devices or wireless systems. Must also include an operating system or embedded software.
Incitations fiscales ::
- 8-year Corporate Income Tax (CIT) exemption for projects with R&D spending of at least 0.5% of total sales during the first three years, or a minimum of 100 million Baht in R&D expenditure.
- 5-year CIT exemption for assembly line projects without significant R&D costs.
Manufacture of Emission, Transmission, and Reception Devices
Manufactured products must include investment in Surface Mount Technology (SMT) lines for PCB assembly.
Incitations fiscales ::
Smart electronics sector companies who have received a BOI promotion may be eligible for the following tax incentives.
- 8-year CIT exemption for projects that meet R&D expenditure criteria.
- 8-year CIT exemption for assembly line projects without significant R&D expenditure.
Manufacture of Other Telecommunication Products
The project must have investment in SMT lines for PCBA assembly. R&D expenditure must be at least 0.5% of total sales in the first three years or at least 100 million Baht, whichever is lower.
Incitations fiscales ::
- 8-year CIT exemption for projects that meet both conditions.
- 5-year CIT exemption for SMT line assembly projects.
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects meeting the R&D expenditure requirement.
- 3-year CIT exemption for assembly line projects with minimal R&D investment.
Manufacture of Electronic Control and Measurement Instruments
Manufactured products must include high-precision sensors.
Fiscalité Incentives:
- 8-year CIT exemption for projects with R&D expenditures of at least 0.5% of total sales in the first three years or 100 million Baht.
- 5-year CIT exemption for assembly line projects with no significant R&D expenses.
Manufacture of Audio Visual Products and Office Electronics
The project must invest in SMT lines for PCBA assembly. R&D expenses should be no less than 0.5% of total sales during the first three years, or at least 100 million Baht, whichever is lower.
Incitations fiscales ::
- 8-year CIT exemption for projects meeting both conditions.
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects with an SMT line investment.
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects meeting the R&D expenditure requirement.
- 3-year CIT exemption for assembly line projects without significant R&D costs.
Manufacture of Other Electronics Products
The project must invest in SMT lines for PCBA assembly. R&D expenses should be no less than 0.5% of total sales or 100 million Baht in the first three years.
Incitations fiscales ::
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects meeting both criteria.
- 3-year CIT exemption for projects with SMT line investments.
- 3-year CIT exemption for projects meeting the R&D requirement.
Manufacture of Semiconductors
The project must involve both front-end semiconductor manufacturing (e.g., electronics design, silicon wafers, wafer fabrication) and back-end processes (e.g., wafer sorting, assembly, testing).
Incitations fiscales ::
- 10-year CIT exemption for front-end projects involving advanced technologies and innovation.
- 8-year CIT exemption for back-end projects with a machinery investment of at least 1.5 billion Baht.
- 5-year CIT exemption for back-end projects with machinery investments below 1.5 billion Baht.
Manufacture of Advanced Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs)
The project must include flexible or multi-layer PCBs (e.g., PCB fabrication, SMT, PTH, PCBA testing).
Incitations fiscales ::
- 8-year CIT exemption for projects with machinery investments of at least 1.5 billion Baht.
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects with machinery investments less than 1.5 billion Baht.
Manufacture of Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA)
The project must involve box builds, product testing, packing, and shipping.
Incitations fiscales ::
- 5-year CIT exemption for projects with machinery investments of at least 500 million Baht.
- 3-year CIT exemption for projects with machinery investments below 500 million Baht.
The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) and Smart Electronics
The Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) is a economic development zone in Thailand that operates in three provinces, Chachoengsao, Chonburi, and Rayong. The EEC has been designated as a key component for the country’s economic development. The EEC also plays a key part in the Thai government’s strategy to promote high-tech industries and is specifically designed to attract investment in areas such as smart electronics, robotics, and digital industries.
Key Features of the EEC and Its Role in Smart Electronics:
The EEC offers world-class infrastructure, including deep-sea ports, airports, and state-of-the-art industrial parks. The region is also poised to become a hub for 5G networks, IoT systems, and smart city development, all essential components of the smart electronics ecosystem.
Investment Incentives in the EEC:
Additional Tax Benefits: In addition to standard BOI incentives, companies located in the EEC can access extra tax incentives, including income tax exemptions for up to 13 years for qualifying projects.
Smart City Projects: The EEC has been designated as a “Smart City” zone, encouraging the development of digital infrastructure and IoT solutions, which will directly benefit the smart electronics sector.
Streamlined Regulations: The EEC offers a more streamlined regulatory framework, with fewer bureaucratic hurdles, faster permit issuance, and support for international companies seeking to establish a presence in Thailand.
High-Tech Industry Focus: The EEC is designed to attract investment in advanced sectors such as next-generation automotive, smart electronics, and digital technologies. The region is expected to become a key player in the regional and global supply chain for smart electronics and related industries.
Nos réflexions
Thailand’s well developed infrastructure and a wide range of incentives available to qualifying projects create a smart investment opportunity for businesses looking to invest or expand their smart electronics operations in Thailand. With forward-looking policies such as Thailand 4.0, specialized economic zones like the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC), and tailored incentive programs from the Board of Investment (BOI), the country has created an environment that promotes innovation and growth in high-tech industries.
The diverse range of BOI incentives, including corporate tax exemptions, duty reductions, possible land ownership, and streamlined processes for recruiting foreign talent offers businesses a smart investment opportunity. These incentives reduce operational challenges, allowing companies to focus resources on innovation and enhancing product development.